Infinite Simplicity
Froebel Gifts are the most beautiful and versatile medium I've ever worked with.
I predict they are the wave of the future.
My Math ManifestoSuccessful math literacy is the single most important subject our society can give its citizens. A clear understanding of the relationships between all manner of things, and skill in expressing those relationships, is vital. It is the bones and muscles of a person's ability to use the best gift our species has: the ability to think.
About Jessica SalinasI'm a Montessori teacher and children's filmmaker interested in using art to develop math, literacy, and peace education.
About Froebel GiftsFroebel Gifts are a powerful analog and concrete-operational tool for building each individual’s connection to the world of the abstract, through art. The blocks allow everyone to make beautiful art, from the youngest child to the most self-critical adult.
And, if you’ve ever thought you “weren’t good at math,” Froebel Gifts show that mathematical understanding is your birthright and your playground. Want to know more about Friedrich Fröbel? He invented the word and concept of kindergarten in 1840, and articulated and publicized the concept of play having educational value. And he created the Gifts. |